Now-a-days alcohol addiction is a serious and common disease ignored by many persons. We have a rehabilitation center to treat all these type of diseases. Our motto is “SAY NO TO DRUGS” and we are hopeful to remove and clean our environment from this disease.

Addiction is a terrible illness but it is also a treatable illness. If you or a loved one feels trapped and do not know how to overcome your addiction, then you are not alone. Millions of addicts around the world including ourselves were once in the grip of addiction but through the right treatment, guidance, and recovery methods, we have successfully overcome our addiction. We are living proof that addiction is a treatable illness. If we can do it, so can you.

We help you to fight against drugs so you will be able to come back in your normal life.


An addict will never be able to responsibly use addictive substances for the rest of their lives.

For most addicts, this is the worst thing they can think of because drugs have been their closest friend.
But as you let go of your addiction and start living a clean life, you realize what a blessing it is to never be able to use it ever again.

You might not be able to live life with others, by drinking or using occasionally. But will be able to live a much more peaceful and productive life than most normal people.
Addiction is a terrible illness but it is also a treatable illness.


We believe everyone has the right to get treatment and get clean. We also believe you have the right to refuse treatment if you want. We only admit people who are ready to turn their life around. This is a big commitment, which means you need a very strong resolve to get clean, no matter what it takes.

Drugs Treatment We Provide

Addiction is a terrible illness but it is also a treatable illness. If you or a loved one feels trapped and do not know how to overcome your addiction, then you are not alone. Millions of addicts around the world including ourselves were once in the grip of addiction but through the right treatment, guidance, and recovery methods, we have successfully overcome our addiction.

We are living proof that addiction is a treatable illness. If we can do it, so can you. Here are type of drugs treatment we provides to our patients:

  • Injection
  • Hashish
  • Alcohol
  • Ice Drug
  • Heroin
  • Opium 

Psychological Treatment We Provide

We believe everyone has the right to get treatment and get clean. We also believe you have the right to refuse treatment if you want. Majority of people does not pay attention on Psychological Disease. We are here to provide you Psychological Treatment so you can make your life peaceful. Here are types of Psychological Treatment we provides.


Personality Disorder

Anxiety Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

Stress Disorder

Eating Disorder

Childhood Agression


At DUA Rehab Center, we have an open-door policy. If you don’t want to be here, you don’t have to. We believe everyone has the right to get treatment and get clean. We also believe you have the right to refuse treatment if you want. No one can help you if you don’t want help.

We only admit people who are ready to turn their life around. This is a big commitment, which means you need a very strong resolve to get clean, no matter what it takes. At DUA Rehab Center, we have an open-door policy. That is the only path to recovery. DUA Rehab Center provides a comfortable space for recovery. We know that fighting addiction and recovering from the disease is a slow process and a difficult journey to start. That is why we want to provide you with a highly supportive staff and peaceful space where you get all the help you need.

When our brain becomes damaged from drug use and we become addicted to one substance, we generally believe our issue is that particular substance. But that is not the case. Just like a person with diabetes can not consume any form of sugar when they become diabetic, an addict can not safely consume any drug once their addiction has been triggered.

At DUA Rehab Center, we understand that addiction affects our reward system in the brain, also called the ‘Nucleus Accumbens’. In addition, this part of the brain becomes overactive and any drug that affects the reward system of the brain will then trigger your addiction and your addictive behaviors.

Whether it is alcohol, marijuana, or other harder drugs, an addict must practice total abstinence from drugs to allow their reward center to rest and not become overactive again. We know this is a big ask of any addict but after almost 100 years of empirical evidence, all results suggest total abstinence is the best recovery method. While we believe cigarettes are harmful to you in many other ways, we do not consider cigarettes in the same category as these other drugs, strictly for this reason, that they do not stimulate your reward center in the same way as other drugs. The same is true for coffee and sugar.

It is best to use them in moderation, but all drugs that will mess with your reward center will not let you live your everyday life.

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